Monday, December 31, 2007

...Let´s Discooooo...

Music: Glass Candy-Miss Broadway

BOM 2008!!!


Sunday, December 30, 2007

...E tudoitudoitudo...

...Só para desejar aquelas coisas boas a quem de direito ;) ...


Thursday, December 27, 2007

...3 Anûs...

Jackson Pollock - number 3 "Tiger"

The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through.”

Um Obrigado a todos. QUE MAIS DIZER?

Três anussss passaram...Três!!!

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

...Boas Festas...

Como Amanhã não sei se terei tempo para fazê-lo........

......Desejo a todos os que passam, visitam, espreitam, comentam(ou não)e em ESPECIAL AOS AMIGOS umas Óptimas Festividades.....

Comam Tudo o que têm direito e usufruem de tudo o que devem ;) não esquecendo o verdadeiramente importante.

Marc Chagall


...She´s the Queen...

...a ver o concerto em Londres da Digressão "Confessions Tours" da Diva Madonna na Rtp2 ;)...

she´s still "It"


Friday, December 21, 2007

...Pé ante Pé...

P.s: os Três porquinhos "mataram" o Pai Natal!
P.s.2: Tenho provas.

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...Oh Well...

Playing sports are just another excuse to get in a Locker Room ;)

Bom Findi

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Thursday, December 13, 2007


Suddenly, all your history's ablaze
Try to breath as the world desintegrates
Just like autumn leaves we're in for change
Holding tenderly to what remains
And all your memories are as precious as gold
And all the honey and the fire which you stole
Have you running through all your red cheek days
Shaking loose these songs from their sacred hiding space

Hold your heart courageously as we walk into this dark place
Stand, stare fast, erect and see that love is the province of the brave

Push under the ?(whizing lights) of buzzing stars
Let this burning brightly illumintate where we are
Build this hallow that lovers voices occupy
Let it follow
That we let it free, let it fly
Breaking open the walls of this cage
Intoxicated, oh so amazed
Much like falcons tumbling from our hearts that blaze
Oh come join, ?(arms engaged)

Hold these hearts courageously as we walk into this dark place
Stand, stare fast beside me and see that love is the province of the brave

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

...And Now?...

....What do i do now?

...."you do the next thing it comes up".....



Thursday, December 06, 2007


...Gosto de Números redondos...

Always Down? ....or Always Up?..........................Only time can tell......I feel great and ready to embrace it!

"take it as it comes"

Sempre em frente, não há como voltar atrás.


Sunday, December 02, 2007


...Sabiam que no sanctuário Khmer, na Tailândia, vivem duas familias de símios rivais ?...

